Keyboard Conventions

Internally, MicroEMACS represents keyboard characters in a special 10 bit code. This code consists of 8 bits of character data (ASCII plus whatever characters your terminal puts in the right side graphics set), and 2 flags, the CONTROL flag and the META flag. All 4 combinations of the two flags are possible.

This manual represents 10 bit characters in a standard way. If you have a character A, then that character with the CONTROL bit set is written as C-A. That character with the META bit set is written as M-A. If both bits are set, it is written as C-M-A.

Terminals (usually) cannot deal directly deal with the 10 bit character set. Characters with the flag bits set are entered by prefixing the desired character with another character. To get a character with the CONTROL bit set, prefix the character with Control-^ (the word Control here, and in the next few examples, means the key marked Control or CTRL on the ASCII keyboard). To get a character with the META bit set, prefix the character with Control-[, Escape, or ESC. To get a character with the CONTROL and META bits set, prefix the character with Control-\.

Those of you who understand ASCII are probably asking what you get if you prefix a character with Control-]. This character is not a prefix; it is reserved for future use as an ``exit from recursive editing level'' command.

CONTROL characters are very important, so there is a shorthand way of typing them. Characters between Control-@ and Control-Z are mapped to the characters @ through Z with the CONTROL bit set. Characters between Control-a and Control-z are mapped to the characters A through Z with the CONTROL bit set. Most of the time Control-X and C-X are the same.
